WHAT IS THE USS VINDICATOR? The USS Vindicator is a correspondence chapter of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. It began its STARFLEET service as the Shuttle Vindicator, STARFLEET terminology for a chapter-in-training, sponsored by the USS Yorktown.WHAT IS A CORRESPONDENCE CHAPTER? A correspondence chapter differs from a meeting chapter in that it does not generally conduct regularly scheduled meetings. It is not bound by geographic restrictions and may recruit members from anywhere in the world. Although members may meet to pursue special projects or interests, primary communication is conducted through correspondence, either electronic or postal. WHY IS THE VINDICATOR A CORRESPONDENCE CHAPTER? The Vindicator was chartered in Lexington, SC in 1997 with the original intent of performing as a meeting chapter. While several local members signed aboard, several others residing outside the local area expressed interest in membership. At present there are Vindicator crew members residing in South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and Alabama. In addition to overcoming travel complications, another problem soon became evident. Many of the chapter's members held offices of high responsibilty within the Fleet, within the Region or both. They simply did not always have the time and availability required to plan and attend scheduled chapter meetings. The decision was made to request a change to correspondence chapter status, thus enabling everyone to remain together and to remain active in support of chapter projects without the constraints of acting as a meeting chapter. A recent change in command has transferred operations of the Vindicator from Lexington, South Carolina to Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
Although the USS Vindicator supports all of STARFLEET's major charitable endeavors, it is actively involved in the STARFLEET STAMPEDE, a long-running fundraising project that benefits a number of national charities.
The Vindicator's mission reflects that of STARFLEET: 1) To provide an opportunity to share and promote Star Trek fandom in all its forms to interested fans. 2) To channel the energy generated by that fandom into useful and fullfilling service to the community and to the world. 3) To foster an interest in education, particularly as it involves space exploration and research.
Due to a recent change in command,the Vindicator is pleased to be affiliated with STARFLEET's Region Two. Members of the Vindicator's crew are already hard at work serving in positions related to planning Region Two's 2003 Summit in Alabama.
As a correspondence chapter, the USS Vindiacator's "community" is really the entire world. The ship lends its support to charities in many areas outside its home port, including fundraising and assistance efforts benefitting the South Carolina Rottweiler Rescue headquartered in Gilbert, South Carolina. The Vindicator also gets involved with projects and activities on other ships. Crewmembers frequently travel many miles to lend a hand or establish a presence at a variety of events sponsored by area STARFLEET chapters.